NAVIGATE: What Your Travel Companion Really Thinks Of You

They say you don’t really know someone until you’ve traveled with them. Spending virtually every moment with a person will reveal the good, the tolerable and the ‘why are we even friends?’ And we all know that one person that you cannot wait to get away from before the vacation ends. If you’re wondering why you haven’t been invited on another trip. Well...

The Irresponsible One

Let’s get this one out of the way. You know what time the plane takes off. You know that your debit card/money and identification are a necessity. Of all the things to be careless about, these should not be on that list. Do better. 

With Love, Leave Me Alone 

It’s not personal. As much as your presence is welcomed, my people quota is reaching its max. I need silence. I need peace. The first person I see in the morning is you. I see your face at the table while I eat, at the beach, in the Lyft and quite talk too much. So for just one hour, the only voice I want to hear is mine. Now, go away. 

“Let’s Be Boring”

Unless we are attending an exclusive red-carpet movie premiere or bowling on a rooftop where a strike illuminates the skyscrapers with a sequence of lights, we can save the everyday activities for when we return home. 

I’m A Picky Eater...

If you think for a moment that I am going to waste my appetite on a mystery meat McDouble, then you are sadly mistaken. I’m understanding to culinary preferences, health choices and the like. However the chances of me compromising just to satisfy your basic palate are nonexistent. Few things compare to having your taste buds prepped for authentic cuisine just for your travel buddy to complain about the food selection because they want something “familiar”. You are completely free to eat whatever your heart desires...and I will leave you to enjoy said meal alone.

Letting (Too) Loose

Beloved, you can’t handle 2 drinks on any given weekend, so thinking that crossing into a different country will magically increase your tolerance is unrealistic. So now you are blowing my hypothetical high because I have been volun-told to babysit an adult. Don’t be that inconsiderate friend, leaving everyone responsible for your safety, your belligerence and keeping you out of the local jail. Pace yourself: it’s a marathon. Word to Nip. 

Put The Phone Down

This isn’t for those of us who capture moments to preserve the emotion we want to continue to feel deeply as our memory fades. I’m talking to those who are more engaged on social media and constantly on the phone. Boomeranging every Anejo margarita and posting 5+ snippets of your full mug sing-a-song in the club or walking aimlessly down the street doesn’t count as being present. You don’t have to share your every move, breath or thought. Furthermore, I for sure don’t want my free-spirited actions posted on the gram. Enjoy these moments disconnected. I guarantee, it is more fulfilling.
